Latest Minnesota Outdoor Recreation, Facilities and Public Guidelines

25 Jun 2020 5:31 AM | John MacKenzie

Below please find an extensive review of the most recent Minnesota Pandemic Related Guidelines that could impact your operations.

Tom Ryan, ED and CEO of the Minnesota Golf Association has summarized the relevant materials in the update as follows:

  1. P2 – Facility Access and Cleaning Par. 6; bullets 1,2 ......
    1. Bullets 1 and 2. The old language read:  Remove or close off, to the extent possible, objects that could be frequently touched and that are not essential to safety, such as drinking fountains, water coolers, ball washers, rakes, or squeegees.  Take measures to reduce the need to touch fixed items that cannot be removed; for example, leaving gates ajar or raising golf cups and requiring golfers to leave the flag stick in the hole.
    2. Bullet 1. The new language reads: Minimize touching shared items and encourage hand washing/hand sanitizing.

Without mention of rakes, water coolers, leaving the flagstick in the hole, etc., it opens up the opportunity for facilities to make decisions on how they want to proceed.

  1. P3 – Events, Guiding and Instruction Par. 2; bullets 5,6 ......
    1. The old language  “....staggered start/multiple points of departure....” is eliminated. This is clarified later.
    2. The old language read: Spectators are prohibited.
    3. The new language reads: Spectators must maintain social distancing, not exceed group gathering limits, and are strongly encouraged to wear a manufactured or homemade cloth face covering per MDH guidance. 

Spectators will now be allowed at PGA Section, MGA, and MPGA events.....along with any other events that typically draw spectators.

  1. P3 – Events, Guiding and Instruction Par. 2; Examples; Bullet 2 ......
    1. The old language indicating what was allowed read: A golf tournament with staggered tee times, single-household cart use, and a virtual (rather than in-person) awards ceremony.
    2. The new language indicating what is allowed reads: A golf tournament with staggered tee times or a shotgun start and a virtual or otherwise modified awards ceremony to address group-size limits.

This confirms our ability to run shotguns as we communicated yesterday, while also opening up awards ceremonies.

  1. P4 – Equipment Rentals Par. 1; Bullet 4 ...
    1. This involves the number of riders on a cart....this did not change for now.

outdoor-guidelines_06242020 2.pdf

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