The conventioneers organizing the NG are looking for volunteers to serve as room captains for the MGCSA sponsored sessions at 2022 Northern Green.
Room captains make the Northern Green appear professional and ensure that things run smoothly for the speakers and sessions. The deadline to sign up is November 15, 2021.
It is very easy to do. The NG is using SignUpGenius for Room Captain sign up again this year. Below is the link to the MGCSA sponsored sessions at Northern Green.
All volunteers will need to do is provide their name, organization, and e-mail address. They will choose the session(s) they would like to volunteer for, and then hit the submit button. They will receive an automatic email confirmation immediately from SignUpGenius. We will then send an e-mail reminder with all the details to each volunteer in late December.
MGCSA Sessions - Northern Green Room Captain Sign Up: